My RPTU account password does not work.

Please make sure your password is correct and pay attention to the following:

  • Upper and lower case. Is the caps lock key enabled?
  • Similar letters and numbers. (e.g.: O - o - 0, or I - l - 1)
  • Are automatically set spaces mistakenly present?
  • Is the wrong keyboard layout selected? ( There are differences between German QWERTZ and English QWERTY )
  • Also pay attention to special characters.

Have you created a new account and already activated it on the account management page

You can find step-by-step instructions on how to activate your RPTU account using your TAN here:
You will receive the TAN from the person who approved your RPTU account.

If the support has already changed your password, even though your RPTU account was not yet activated:
Activate your RPTU account on the account management page using your TAN.
Do not be confused by the displayed initial password. The newly created password is valid.
You can test your now activated RPTU account by logging in on the account management page with your RPTU account name and your RPTU password.